Well, Easter was funderful and my DD was super cute (if a little perturbed/distracted at times) in her awfully poufy dress. The food was yummy, though there is much of my salad and rice krispys left over due to the scads of taste
My mother also brought us fun Easter bags full of goodies for our little ones and chocolate! The Wallaces came over for an impromptu visit and gifted my yard with a juju bee (sp?) tree and some loverly rose-y bloomers for Dorothy.
I also took the opportunity to quiz my parents about photos so that I can (eventually) get our family's photos
in albums and safe from harm. It was nice to have my parents telling the stories of different photos and events from before we were born and when we were very young.
Celena and I having such young ones so close to each other is so much fun already, and it's only just begun!
Anywho, next event: baby shower for godmother of D. Coming up in two weeks. Need to make cookies and cake and otherwise be prepared. Going on a rare evening jaunt with DD tonight to help out said godmother, wish me luck!
good luck! I'm sure it will go well.