Thursday, April 23, 2009

belated blogge

I've been meaning to post about my happy anniversary, but, here it is, a full week later and I'm just now getting to it.  So, reader, I hope you will accept my stale tale, it is a cheerful one.
This year was Bry's and my 4 yr wedding anniversary, theme: Fruit and Flowers!  I think more years should get this as the theme, it works beautifully!
It was a day of simple pleasures; taking care of our DD being the priority.  I wore my fancy earrings made by the lovely KatinkaPinka ( we got some stuff done.  We decided to order in and just enjoy our day together.  Bashful Bry bought many fru-its from the grocery and forgot to buy fleurs.  I already had some left over from Easter though, so I didn't mind in the least.  Fruit was better anyway.  He bought a box of cuties, some blackberries, strawberries, apples and kiwis!  He scheduled a massage for me and took us to Lowe's where we got a new fixture for our living room 

complete with new, more fashionable pulls!  Well, anything would be more fashionable than the piece of string that has been there since we moved in.

We also bumped into an old acquaintance of mine who tipped us off about some neglected perennials that were being marked down to $1-$3!  So, I got fleurs after all, and these are ones I can plant and enjoy long term!  We got zinnias and lantana.  I planted my lantana and they swiftly changed color!  Instead of yellow and orange they are now yellow and hot pink!  That's exciting.  The weather was nice and we spent some time in the front yard.  I learned that my jasmine vine is a Confederate jasmine.  Bryan also got us an ice cream cake because I wanted something fancy for dessert.  We had fajitas.  The Bears had some fruit flowers sent to us as well!  They were so fun and came with chocolate covered bananas and a pretty little white urn that I get to keep!  
This Spring with my new baby girl and lovely husband and it being the first time I'm getting to be at home for the season is all very exciting and inspiring for me.  I'm obsessed with doing what little I can in my yard and my shoppe.  I have started an embroidery line of botanicals that I'm pretty excited about and I transplanted my irises to their new spot!  Is Spring Fever and bad thing or a get busy, bustling, happy, cheerfulness?  If it's that second one, I've got it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

On to the next one...

Well, Easter was funderful and my DD was super cute (if a little perturbed/distracted at times) in her awfully poufy dress.  The food was yummy, though there is much of my salad and rice krispys left over due to the scads of taste sensations my mother brought over.  It was also a happy reason to break out my pink-y purple-y goodwill find hat!

My mother also brought us fun Easter bags full of goodies for our little ones and chocolate!  The Wallaces came over for an impromptu visit and gifted my yard with a juju bee (sp?) tree and some loverly rose-y bloomers for Dorothy.
I also took the opportunity to quiz my parents about photos so that I can (eventually) get our family's photos 
in albums and safe from harm.  It was nice to have my parents telling the stories of different photos and events from before we were born and when we were very young. 
 Celena and I having such young ones so close to each other is so much fun already, and it's only just begun!

Anywho, next event: baby shower for godmother of D.  Coming up in two weeks.  Need to make cookies and cake and otherwise be prepared.  Going on a rare evening jaunt with DD tonight to help out said godmother, wish me luck!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Here comes Peter Cottontail...

I'm very excited for Easter this year.  Having a baby around makes everything more special than it was before.  She's still very young, of course, but it is her very first Easter.  It's also her cousin Max's first too!  The weather is so nice and all the flowers are blooming.
My husband gifted me with what I believe is a small azalea, which I dearly hope with flourish.  

My purple irises finally bloomed too (my white ones came and went much earlier).  I love the little zebra stripes on them, they've always made me think of my mother, but now they also make me think of dear Kaite-y.  

One of my new little trees that we got free from the City finally decided to show its leaves.  I don't know what it is though.  Maybe someone out there does?

So, the Austin family is getting together tomorrow at my home, and I'm excitedly preparing to have a very nice day.
Dorothy's local Grandmother (my mother) bought her a fancy Easter dress.  I asked her to buy a dress because I knew she would enjoy it; I didn't really see the need for a 3.5 mo. old baby to have a fancy dress myself, but why not?  Once Easter came closer, however, I found myself suddenly consumed with the desire to accessorize said frock. So, I used one of my select few outings with the whole family to have my husband take me to Babies R Us so that I could complete her "look".  I found some charming silver sandals that were small enough and, though I didn't think I would ever purchase one, a frilly headband of the variety they make for babies without much hair.  It bothers me when people feel the need to stick bows on their little girls' heads to make sure everyone knows they're girls, or for just everyday purposes. 
This time, though, was a fancy dress occasion.  I reasoned to myself that it just wouldn't be right to have a fancy dress, fancy shoes and no hair toy.  I didn't like the ones that were available, so I took off the provided pouf and stitched a lovely little bow and some sparkly silver beads onto it so that it coordinated quite nicely.  I must say it is darling and she looks quite fetching with it on.  Not that this will become a habit, mind you.  I will post pictures of her entire ensemble tomorrow.

I also made some rice krispy treats.  Actually, I invented "Neapolitan" Rice Krispy treats.  I had bought marshmallows for s'mores, but there were many left over.  The store had different flavored 'mallows, so I had original flavor, strawberry and caramel. I added a few drops of food coloring so that we would be sure to know the difference, 
and they fit perfectly in my pyrex casserole dish!
So, along with my flower arranging and grape salad making, which I'll post pix of with my Easter blogge; this is my prep work.  Hope everyone's Easter is full of pastel wishes and chocolate-y dreams!    

Friday, April 10, 2009

so much!

I feel a little overwhelmed with how many things I want to get done!  Need to ready the home for Easter, do spring cleaning, work in the yard, acclimate myself to blogging and finessing of my etsy shoppe, plan for studio (it's coming, it's coming, it's coming!); all whilst being a mother and keeping my head on my shoulders!  Wish me luck and give me tips if you've got 'em!  I'm sure you will be seeing many incarnations of said shoppe and blogge in the coming weeks as I figure out what fits and how to make things happen.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

um.. okay.

So Easter is swiftly upon us and I have posted all Easter eggs I could muster in time for this year.  Am contemplating what direction I should point shop towards.  It seems that people who do well have a more focused in merchandise selection.  I do not see this happening for me anytime soon.  There are so many things I like to make and I don't have a studio space set up yet, so my creative inklings are somewhat erratic and whimsical.  In addition to all this, my darling 3 month old daughter throws tiney wrenches wherever she feels like into my day and creative process.  
I was very excited today to find that my eggs were featured in two blogs of persons formerly unknown to me!
So, my thoughts right now are that whatever season is around the bend is pretty much going to motivate what you will find in the shoppe; we'll see what happens!  Thanks for reading!